Thursday, 22 December 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Christmas Day is almost upon us, which means that our work on Hull BID's amazing Christmas in Hull campaign for 2011 will soon come to an end. 
Everyone at eskimosoup has loved every minute of this project. It's allowed us to meet some wonderful people, plan and take part in lots of exciting events and activity, and use possibly the most breathtaking feat of architecture in the city, Holy Trinity Church, for a couple of festive fun days.
We've smiled at the sight of our Dickensian characters roaming the streets, with Scrooge pretending he didn't like Lush cosmetics before unashamedly sniffing the bath bombs. We've bitten our nails as our Santa abseiled down City Hall at the Christmas Lights Switch-on, arriving safely at the bottom to chat to Viking FM. We've sung along to our City Centre version of Band Aid, which saw staff from a variety of businesses come together to belt out a few lines. And, perhaps most incredible of all, we've met The Chuckle Brothers. "To you. To me." (Sorry, it had to be said. Hehe!)

The eskimosoup office closes at 1pm on Friday 23rd  December (so that we can go eat festive grub and play some games in The New Clarence) and reopens on Tuesday 3rd January 2012. But don't worry, there's a blog post automatically scheduled to upload on New Year's Eve, which looks back at a few of our favourite things from the last 12 months (such as doing a 150-foot jump, having a go at stand-up comedy, and dressing up as a walking cigarette at a penalty shoot).
In the meantime, Merry Christmas to you all! Make sure to squeeze in a fair few mince pies and wash them down with a sherry or two. ;)
The Souper Team

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